Here I return to them talk more a little bit of Brazilian Cinema, this is a movie Bellisima trajetoria dealing with the lives of two great singers, now St. mui mui it occurred and are far from Brazil sucesso horn, but were poor mui mui ... and see what all.
The songs of the movie san mui beautiful and many are elles proprio their nouns are: Zezé de Camargo and Luciano., The two sons of Don Francisco .
Original Title: 2 Filhos de Francisco
Here is the link to download Desta beautiful film, in English legienda com .... Desfrutelo!
Here I give you one of his first music: Felicidade that paging saudade
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=LLvwXJ1wEEs&eurl=http% 3A % 2F% 2Ftodaslasfeas% 2Ecom% 2Findex% 2Fforum% 2Ephp% 3Ftopic% 3D11449% 2E0
now so great sucesso com elle (Zezé) Llanza to maior sucesso Wanessa also his daughter, and here she com elle sings His first major sucesso, which changed his life forever.: Zezé de Camargo and in É o Amor Wanessa
http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wGRjV-xk7x0&eurl=http% 3A% 2F% 2Ftodaslasfeas% 2Ecom% 2Findex% 2Fforum% 2Ephp% 3Ftopic% 3D11449% 2E0
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