Saturday, August 18, 2007

How To Find A Power Steering In A Cobalt

more Compadecida Love - A good comedy film The Wedding of Brazilian

Hello ...

today I bring the movie I get to bring people to theaters for a movie veer National tendo same and look for the tv as a series and as a play .... Mui only be good for that!

The GEL directoe Arraes conta com master Suassuna Arrian's history, inpired in the scenario of the northeastern outback and local culture, he nus the adventures of JoãoGrilo (Matheus Natchergaele), a backwoods puebre and liar, and his friend Chico (Selton Mello), the most coward of men. Both lutam so cloth of everyday cheating patterns and the rich and powerful in the small town Víveme em.

Sheet Original title: [b] The Story of the Compassionate [/ b]
Genre: Comedy Release Year
(Brazil): 2000
Studio: Globo Filmes
Director: Guel Arraes
Screenplay: Guel Arraes, Adriana Falcão and John Hawk, based in Part Ariano Suassuna
Cinematographer: Felix Monti
Art Director: Lia Renhe
Costumes: Cao Albuquerque

; Cast
Natchergaele Matheus (John Cricket) Selton Mello (Chico)
Diogo Vilela (Baker) ; ; Denise Fraga (Dora)
Rogerio Cardoso (Father John) Lima Duarte (Bishop)
Marco Nanini (Bandit Severino) Enrique Diaz (Hitman)
Aramis Trindade (Cape Seventy) Bruno Garcia (Vicentão)
Luis Melo (Devil) , Maurício Gonçalves (Jesus Christ)
Fernanda Montenegro (Our Lady) Paulo Goulart

Hope you like that it is a good comedy